Steps to Using SEM for the Success of Your Business

Steps to Using SEM for the Success of Your Business

When it comes to enhancing traffic to your website, search engine marketing (SEM) is one of the most powerful, result-driven tools. Whilst working on boosting your SEO efforts, advertising on Google AdWords will provide you with a headstart in quickly reaching your audience and appearing on top of organic search results. If you are not familiar with search marketing, the following steps outlined by Nhance Digital’s team of professionals will get you started.

# Define the Objectives of Your Campaign

You can have different campaigns under your AdWords account and each campaign can consist of varied ad groups targeted with many different keywords. You will have to manage your bidding style, daily budget, language or location targeting and network targeting at the campaign level. At ad group level, you will have to manage ad copy and keywords. We recommend that you organise your ad groups and campaign into common themes, and align them to your specific objectives.

# Make Use of Keyword Planner

For search engine marketing, your keywords must neither be too general nor too specific. You must avoid long-tailed keywords that are very long or one-word keywords. In order to craft the perfect keyword list, you need to use searches for competing or similar brands, make use of Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords and talk to your audience to know what they are looking for. We generally use phrase and exact keywords to boost cost per click.

# Create Ads

Quality text ads generally include location in the URL, a value proposition (discounts and savings), a unique proposition and a call to action. It is imperative that you use proper punctuation and avoid grammatical errors at all costs. The copy in the ad must match with words that are found on your landing page. When it comes to creating the ad, you can select. You can talk to our experts to get an in-depth knowledge on how to create great ads.

# Bidding

This is a very crucial step as you will be setting your maximum price for every click. You will be given the choice of automatic or manual cost per click bidding. If you are a beginner, using automatic to maximise clicks will be the best option for you. Later on, you can use CPA (cost per acquisition) bids for better conversion.

Join hands with Nhance Digital to successful create a PPC campaign.

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