SEM Trends that Will Stay Beyond 2018

SEM Trends that Will Stay Beyond 2018

Do you know that Google makes a minimum of 500 to 600 updates to its search engine algorithm? Every little adjustment and tweak impacts where your website or brand shows up on SERP.  The search giant is also constantly making enhancements and changes to how you re-engage consumers, how you bid, call conversion enhancements and so much more. As you can see, technology is changing rapidly and SEM (search engine marketing) is not an exception. If you want to stay on top, consider joining hands with search engine marketing agencies like, NHANCE Digital. Our team of SEM expert have rounded up some trends that are most likely going to stay relevant beyond 2018. Take a look.

# Visual Search

We, at NHANCE Digital, have noticed a growing trend of searches becoming more visually focused. This is why we strongly suggest that your search strategy must focus on visual content, as well as, text. The visual content can be in the form of videos or images. With visual content, consumers tend to connect on a much deeper level and the recall value is much higher. This is driven by the fact that smartphone users spend a lot of time on video consumption than text-based content.

# Native Ads

Most users consider banner ads as irritating and disruptive. So, the alternative is native ads. As per our research, CTR rates for mobile native ads are approximately four times higher, which is beneficial for your digital campaigns. Also, native ads tend to blend seamlessly with content and users will not be able to distinguish between the content and an ad.

# Machine Learning: Customer-focused Content and Personalisation

As you must already know, mobile devices are preferred for connected activities. You can hope to get better results by personalising your search. Thanks to machine learning, all the major search engines are taking a jump forward in making the searches tailored and helping users in finding contextualised results. The rise of digital assistants and voice search are driving the wave of consumer-focused content and this is only possible, via artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

If you want a detailed overview of what to include in your SEM strategy, get in touch. NHANCE Digital’s team will discuss with you the strengths and weaknesses of your latest strategy and help you develop a new one aligned with your business goals and budget.

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