Critical Components of Search Engine Marketing

Critical Components of Search Engine Marketing

Search engines are undoubtedly the most used online tools for finding resources and information. So, without a doubt, having your website appear on top of search engine results is one of the best ways to market your business. However, SEO or search engine optimisation is not the only way that search engines can help your business. At Nhance Digital, we implement SEM or search engine marketing tactics to advertise websites through major search engines. SEM might consist one or more of the components given below.

  • Local search: Does your business cater to individuals who work or live in your area? If so, you need to get listed by city in directories and search engines. This way the local residents will be able to readily find your business online. The most crucial aspect of this process is to make sure that the name, phone number and address of your business is accurate and consistent across the different channels.
  • Organic search engine optimisation: SEO involves the use of various strategies to help search engines find, as well as, rank websites in organic search results. Organic search results refer to the ranking of websites on the basis of the right keyword or phrase. Sometimes, our SEO team might even include link building as a part of SEO tactic.
  • PPC or Pay Per Click advertising: Whilst SEO is free and it fetches organic results, PPC ads are exactly what they sound. They are ads that are run on a search engine and every time that someone clicks on it, you will have to pay. In this type of advertising, you have to bid the amount that you want to pay for every click. As a general rule of thumb, the higher you bid, the higher are the chances of your ad appearing on top in the search engine results. Google AdWords has put in place an additional factor that ranks ads on the basis of their importance or relevance that Google place on your website. Moreover, you can make use of PPC advertising to your advantage on your website by making money through Google AdSense and so on.

The above-mentioned are the most important components of SEM. However, the right implementation of each of them is vital to the success of your business. Thanks to our over 10 years’ experience in this industry, we are confident that we can help you achieve your specific goals. Get in touch.