Things to Do to Make Your Website Faster

Things to Do to Make Your Website Faster

Today, website visitors are not at all tolerant of slow-loading websites. Not just the visitors, even Google and other search engines hate slow websites. As a matter of fact, website speed is a ranking factor and if your website fails to load within 3 seconds, you are bound to lose visitors and potential customers. So, if you are struggling to keep the bounce rate low, Nhance Digital’s best practices for increasing website speed might be of help. Take a look.

Reduce HTTP requests

One of the major factors determining the speed of your website is the number of HTTP requests that need to be sent before your website is loaded fully. Given the complicated layout of a majority of websites today, it is not uncommon to have a lot of images that have to load whenever someone accesses the website.

For each picture loaded, an HTTP request is sent and so, if there are a lot of pictures, your website will take time to load. Fortunately, there is a solution. You can combine and compress the images on your website by using CSS sprites. If you need help, our team is well-equipped and eager to lend a hand.

Decrease the number of plugins

Multiple plugins tend to slow down websites and also make them vulnerable to security threats, especially if you are using an open-source CMS system, such as WordPress. So, must be very careful with plugins and instead of installing, our team can help code it into the theme of your website so that the load time is made faster and the risks are reduced.

Optimise the images

Undoubtedly, making use of images on your website will make your pages visually appealing. However. Every picture that you add has the potential to slow the load speed. This is why it is important that you optimise the images so that the file sizes are reduced without impacting their quality.

So, whether you want to speed up your website or want to find out the reason behind the increasing bounce rate, avail Nhance Digital’s competitively priced SEO consultant services. We will carry out a thorough website audit to find out what strategies need to be implemented to improve the performance of your website and help you dominate the web world. Our team of professionals will work closely with you for the best results.

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