Basics of SEO-friendly Website Design and Development

Basics of SEO-friendly Website Design and Development

Search engines are quite restricted in how they crawl the website and understand the content. A website does not always look the same to you as it looks to a search engine. We, at Nhance Digital, believe that it is important to structure a website in a way that makes it easier for both human visitors and search engines. When our designers build a website, below given are some of the basics that we focus on.

Indexable Web Page Content

We always make sure that content is in HTML text format as that guarantees better performance in search engine listings. Flash files, Java applets, images and such other non-text content are usually devalued or ignored by search engine crawlers. So, by placing the text in HTML format, we make sure that the phrases and words displayed on the website are easily visible to the search engines and visitors. Nowadays, we also optimise images and non-text content so that they also come up in online searches.

Keyword Usage

As you must know, keywords are fundamental to the entire search process. They are the building blocks of search. But, those days of keyword stuffing are long gone. When building a website, we definitely use keywords, but make sure that they are not stuffed. The keywords are inserted naturally so that search engine crawlers can find the information that they are looking for and accordingly rank the website. Also, at our SEO marketing agency in London, our team performs keyword research and make sure that the phrases or words used are targeted.

Crawlable Link Structures

Search engines need to see content so that they can list pages in their massive indexes. Similarly, they also have to see links so that they can find the content. With a crawlable link structure, we help the search engine crawlers to browse the pathway and navigate a website. We make sure that the links are structured in a way that makes it easy for the crawlers to access and get the pages listed.

Title tags, meta tags, URL structures and rich snippets are some of the other basics that we keep in mind when designing and developing a website. So, are you in the process of building a website? You can reach out to Nhance Digital. Our adept and experienced team of designers can transform your website design dream into a reality.

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