Top Link Building Techniques to Focus on in 2018

Top Link Building Techniques to Focus on in 2018

Link building plays an integral role in promoting websites on search engines like, Google, Yahoo and Bing. Over the years, the procedures and techniques of link building have changed and it has become quite challenging for websites to rank without high-quality backlinks. If you are facing the same problem, Nhance Digital’s team of link builders are here to help.

Below, our team has discussed some of the link building tactics that deserve special attention in 2018.

# Article Submission

It may sound a bit outdated, but this strategy still works. All you have to do is send well-crafted, interesting articles regarding your niche to article websites of a higher authority. The trick here is to make sure the article being submitted is of the highest quality and offers great value to the readers. If you need help in that area, we have a qualified team of content writers who can develop information-rich, grammatically correct articles.

# Question Answers

Question answers is one of the oldest tactics that is still relevant in 2018. Websites like, Quora became extremely popular in the recent years. You can include links in your answer and allow potential customers to follow your answer and reach your website. Try to appear as natural as possible when answering a question. At Nhance Digital, we have had a great response from our question answer campaigns and we have helped clients to not only get quality backlinks, but also increased website visitors.

# Internal Links

Internal links are one of the most powerful link building tactics that you must use. These links will take website visitors from one page to the other within the website. Internal linking helps to improve site navigation, enhances page views, makes it easier for search engine bots to crawl and index the pages, and increases the chances of your website acquiring the top position on SERPs.

# Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is one of the easiest ways to build links, but it can be quite time-consuming. You also need to find blogs with a high domain authority in order to gain credibility, boost visibility and build a strong relationship with bloggers. Our team of professional link builders can handle the task seamlessly.

If you want to move ahead of your competitors, avail our best link building service. At Nhance Digital, we provide bespoke link building strategies.

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