Web Design Trends To Watch Out For In 2018

Web Design Trends To Watch Out For In 2018

A website is to a brand as what storefront is to a store. Your website is the face of your business and the first thing that your target audiences will notice. Irrespective of whether you like it or not, your audiences will be passing a judgement based on how your website looks. Nhance Digital is web Design Company providing ace quality services adhering to the most recent practices in the field. With 2018 at its earliest stage, we have brought the latest web design trends for your perusal.

Here, take a look below at some of the trends that you need to watch out for.

Mobile-friendly website will be a priority
Surveys and studies have revealed that steadily, but surely the reliance on mobile devices is increasing. This is leading to an increased website traffic being generated, via mobile phones. The search engine giant, Google, has already rolled out the mobile-first index, which gives first preference to websites featuring a mobile-friendly design. This is one of the reasons why our web site design services providers have started giving more emphasis to websites that can be seamlessly viewed across all hand-held devices.

Animation and video will be heavily used
Modern-day marketing heavily relies on storytelling. Also, moving images help to capture the attention of viewers. At Nhance Digital, we use video and animation to tell your brand story to your target audiences and better connect with your targeted market.

Micro-interactions will be on the rise
Our professionals make full use of Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels that have increased the popularity of micro-interactions through which users are given the ability to make their contributions regarding any post and interact with the brands. As a result,  the user-experience of your target audiences improve manifold

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning will become mainstream
Machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are going to become mainstream in 2018. We strive to incorporate such advanced technology in your website for being able to help you in heightening the UX and bring more traffic.

Our entire team of talented web designers strive to stay upgraded regarding the latest trends in web design. If you wish to create a brand new website or revamp your existing one, get in touch with us. We will provide you with customised solutions suiting your needs.