What is the Importance of Professional Website Design?

What is the Importance of Professional Website Design?

The emergence of WordPress and such other content management systems have greatly benefitted website owners across the globe. They no longer have to pay for web development services and can simply download WordPress, install a theme and have a working website. However, there’s a major problem with using such free design templates and CMS’ – your website looks the same as hundreds of others. Experts at Nhance Digital recommend having a professional website design for any business wanting to build a brand identity and a unique image on the web space.

Here, our website designers have compiled some more reasons as to why you cannot afford not to have a professional website design.

# Web users care about appearance

Websites that project a professional image helps in improving the users’ perception of the brand. A recent survey revealed that over 90% of Internet users did not trust a website that appeared unprofessional. If your website design is not attractive enough, you can be assured that visitors will leave and shop elsewhere. In our years of experience, we have realised that the appearance of a website plays a critical role in making potential consumers trust a brand.

# Users give importance to first impressions

On an average, your website gets approximately 50 milliseconds to create a positive impression on the minds of the users. Now, that is not really enough time to even read a single letter. Needless to say, users are making their judgement based on how the website looks. So, if your website’s design is unappealing, you might lose out on your chance of earning that user’s business.

# Users engage with websites that work

Professional web design not only affects the appearance of a website, it also makes sure that everything works the way it should. For instance, a website must load quickly, especially if customers are accessing it on their mobile devices. Even if the page load time is reduced by one second, it can boost your business’ sales. Furthermore, websites designed by professionals like, Nhance Digital ensures that the website is free of technical and navigational glitch, offering your targeted audience a seamless user experience.

So, it is time for you to have a professionally designed website that gives your business’ online presence that level of professionalism that it deserves. Contact Nhance Digital for a consultation, today!

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