SEO Trends that will Define Online Visibility in 2018

SEO Trends that will Define Online Visibility in 2018

In digital marketing, the field of search engine optimisation (SEO) is a complex science due to its competitiveness and ever-evolving nature. With the arrival of 2018, search engines have begun to enhance the quality of search results by making algorithm changes. This has given rise to a shift in the ranking factors where new techniques and fresh strategies occur, and SEO professionals at Nhance Digital have predicted the latest online marketing trends that will dominate of field of SEO this year.

To help your business website stay ahead of the game in 2018, we, at Nhance Digital, have compiled a list of the most important trends that will gain momentum, along with the solutions on how you can prepare yourself for each.

# SERP features

More and more SERP features, such as AdWords, video, image packs, featured snippets, news block, site links and so on, are grabbing the attention of online users. The development in SERP features will play a key role in gaining the maximum visibility on major search engines. At Nhance Digital, our SEO experts believe that websites should track their rankings within these features and manage specific features that show up for their keywords. Not only can we assist you in integrating SERP features on your site, but will also monitor it as long as possible.

# Personalised search results

We know that Google has been increasingly focusing on customised search results based on individual search data, browser cookies and other details to provide better and more personalised SERPs for users. Being one of the leading providers of search engine marketing services, we understand the importance of individual search convenience. With our technological implementations, we can better the personalisation factor on your website.

# Voice search

As many users on search engine prefer the comfort of speaking over typing, voice search will continue being a great aspect of SEO world. Not only is it fast and convenient, but it also allows more detailed queries. This means that websites have to elevate their plan of action beyond immediate target keywords and phrases to rank. Your focus should be on terms and phrases that users speak generally. Our SEO specialists emphasises on the usage of conversational terms and sentences.

If you want to keep up with these trends and maintain a successful SEO campaign in 2018, get in touch with our experts at Nhance Digital.

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