What does Google consider when sending traffic to a website?

What does Google consider when sending traffic to a website?

Search engine optimisation or SEO refers to strategies that need to be implemented for optimising a website for search engines like Google. Some of the strategies that we, at Nhance Digital, employ are keyword research, website audit, link building and so on. But, do you know what Google looks for when it is trying to decide whether to send traffic to your website or not? There are some factors that are in control whilst others that are not so much in our control. Below we have outlined some of the controllable factors that Google considers when sending traffic to a website.

Unique, fresh content

Older websites tend to be less active and they also tend to break the rules as they were created before the search giant became more sophisticated and started penalising black hat SEO strategy. This hurdle can be conquered by furnishing the website with fresh, original content. As a matter of fact, we have seen that websites with fresh content get more than 67% of traffic when compared to websites with old content.


Google is constantly looking for keywords that match the search terms that the users have entered. If the match is close, you can expect high rankings in the SERPs. Also, Google is looking for keywords in the headings and titles. Google algorithms analyse what is on your website and compare it to other websites to check if what you have is relevant to the keywords. Typically, keywords are made up of 3 to 4 words. But, remember not to stuff keywords in your content as Google penalises that.

Quality links

Inbound links to your website are not a new trick, but you also need outbound links. You have to build a good link profile by seeking backlinks from trusted sources. Having premium quality links is a great way to drive traffic to your website. This is mainly because the search giant rewards websites that are of good quality and can be trusted. The more links you can acquire, the higher will be your chances of rising up the ranks in the SERPs.

So, these are a few things that Google considers when it is ranking a website or sending traffic to a website. If you want your website to thrive in the online space, avail Nhance Digital’s SEO services in Glasgow. We excel in providing personalised solutions.