Social Media Marketing: Trends Taking Over the Year 2018

Social Media Marketing: Trends Taking Over the Year 2018

All brands try really hard to grab the attention of their audience. It is an extremely tough and competitive game, especially because the attention span of the audience is less than 8 seconds. The trend of connecting with the audience through various social platforms have already gained momentum in 2017 and social media experts at Nhance Digital feel that going into 2018 will only push the trend further ahead.

So, with the New Year already upon us, we did our homework and specifically curated a list of 3 trends that we, at Nhance Digital, think will greatly impact the social media strategy of brands in 2018.

# Chatbots

Chatbots have come a long way from being hilarious and unresponsive software. Today, they are capable of doing a lot more than just solving customer problems. We believe that businesses should opt for machine-generated content as the potential for advertising becomes multifold. Chatbots are able to interact with the users, as well as, deliver speedy solutions. At Nhance Digital, our team can give you all the assistance you need when it comes to integrating chatbots as a part of your social media marketing strategy.

# Augmented reality

The line between computer-generated content and reality is blurred by augmented reality as it enhances what you see and hear. Major social media platforms, such as Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram has already created AR photo filters so that users can enjoy. However, it is important that you analyse your requirements and find out if implementing AR will actually benefit your users or not. Leave the assessment part to us as being one of the leading social media marketing companies in the UK, we have all the necessary tools, resources and experience. We will study the requirements, behaviour and demands of your audience on your behalf and provide you with an accurate report to ease the decision-making process.

# Social media stories

Instant stories were started in 2011 by Snapchat and now they appear on almost all the social media platforms. At the rate in which brands and individuals are adopting instant stories, it is clear that the trend will be a rage even this year. Since the nature of the story is temporary, it encourages the audience to take immediate action.

If you want to take your social media marketing to the next level, get in touch with Nhance Digital.