Social Media and SEO – How Do They Benefit Your Business?

Social Media and SEO – How Do They Benefit Your Business?

The search industry is always abuzz about how SEO is influenced by social media. Social media offers a lot of benefits in the marketing context, which include brand presence and recognition, customer service, driving website traffic, content marketing and more. Even though social media and SEO may look like different activities, there is no doubt that they help each other. To help you understand the relationship between SEO and social media, Nhance Digital’s team of professionals have outlined a few important points below.

Before we begin, let us tell you that the growth of social media has been unprecedented. Just after a decade of its introduction, Facebook is viewed as nothing short of a social media superpower and in a matter of 7 years, Instagram has grown to boast of more than 700 million users. Facebook boasts of 2 billion users and more gets added every minute. So, it is safe to say that social media has ushered in some serious changes to the field of digital marketing. It would be wise for you to leverage the power of social media, along with SEO because you can be sure that your competitors are already doing so.

SEO and social media – a complicated relationship

In the past, Google has made a lot of contradictory statements regarding social media’s role in its ranking algorithm. On the one hand, the search giant has stated that social media pages are indexed the same way as web pages, and therefore, social links count as links. But on the other, they have stated that their ranking factors are not directly influenced by social metrics.

Even though we cannot say that social metrics directly influence search engine rankings, their impact is indirect as links from social media websites are valued just as much as links from high-authority websites. This is why we always recommend our clients to leverage social media to enhance ranking signals and also stay connected with their customers.

Take a look at the SEO metric-specific boosters that you can get from social media.

  • Link earning – For any link building strategy, link earning is considered to be the Holy Grail. This will help to acquire several links from one piece of content. You can learn multiple links from your content with the help of your social media connections. With the help of this platform, you can easily reach out to hundreds of people. The more people that you reach out to, the people get to see your content who are not in your direct contact list. Moreover, there is a chance that you might go viral in social media and this can impact your search rankings.
  • Co-occurrence and co-citation – Dissemination of content using social media provide touchpoints with your brand across different platforms. This helps your brand to remain in the minds of your potential customers. In turn, this helps your brand to get mentions across the Internet and the chances of increasing your co-occurrence and co-citation metrics are high.
  • CTR and brand authority – Social media can be utilised for not only building brand awareness, but also authority. By engaging with your target audience through high-quality social media campaigns, you can develop your brand in the eyes of the public. Also, when people search about products that you sell and come across your name on the search results, they’re more likely to click on your website. This helps in improving your click-through rate. Another way to improve that is by providing your website link as part of your social media bio. This will help those who want to know more about your brand.
  • Social media in the SERPs – Social media profiles are delivered within the search engine result pages. As a result, if you have a strong social media presence, it is going to impact on your SERP presence.

There may not be direct benefits of using social media with SEO efforts, but the indirect impact cannot be discredited. If you combine your social media efforts with your SEO plan, your business can get the online visibility, reach and traffic that you desire. Moreover, this can also help you engage with potential customers that are outside of your immediate targeted market. That’s not all. You can join hands with social influencers and make use of their massive following to boost your brand, products and services. This way your brand will be known far and wide, and your long-term SEO plans will stand to benefit. After all, the more people know about you, the more are your chances to convert them into actual customers.

If you want our help with your digital marketing efforts, do not hesitate to reach out. You can avail Nhance Digital’s SEO and social media marketing services to boost your business growth and success.