Questions to ask before you select a social media agency

Questions to ask before you select a social media agency

Social media marketing is one of the hottest trends in the digital marketing world. As more and more businesses are looking to promote their goods and services across social media platforms, there has been an increase in the number of agencies providing social media marketing services in the UK and across the globe. As such, there is an overwhelming number of choices available for you and deciding on the right one might be a daunting task.

To help you select the right social media agency in the UK to elevate your social presence, NHANCE Digital has outlined some of the questions that you must ask prospective agencies.

  • What is the agency’s overall approach to social media marketing?

The answer to this question will help you understand the values of the agency and what drives them. The good agencies have a set of common beliefs and core values that are at the heart of everything that they do.

You must make sure the agency’s values and overall approach to marketing aligns with your own.

  • Who are their clients?

The credentials of an agency is proved by their list of satisfied clients. You can ask the agency to show you a list of their past and present clients that they have worked with. Also, you can request them to show you their case studies and share the strategies that they have used to help their clients become successful. This will give you an idea as to how the agency works and what you can expect from them.

You can even ask them to show you the social media campaigns that they are proud of. It will give you an idea if they can handle your business or if they have worked with clients in your niche.

However, there’s a few things that you need to keep in mind.

  • Not all agencies will be comfortable disclosing their client list. So, don’t expect to get a full client list.
  • Most agencies will not be willing to share their social media secrets that helped their clients achieve success across social media platforms. But, you would want to collaborate with an agency willing to share their secrets, such as NHANCE Digital.

If the agency tries to hide too many details, it is best to move on to the next potential agency on your list.

  • What are the social media tools that the agency uses?

Good social media agencies typically use paid tools and software to manage the accounts of their clients. These paid tools allow them to execute social media listening, scheduling posts and reading important data that will be imported automatically from the social media platforms.

They must not hold back on revealing the tools that they use so it gives you an idea of their expertise.

  • What is their pricing structure?

Generally, agencies use all kinds of complex pricing structures and the most common amongst them are flat fees and monthly retainers.

Monthly retainers typically work well because the company gets paid for the work that they do. Therefore, you can be assured of getting your money’s worth. But, if the retainer fee is too high, the agency might not be doing justice to you.

When agencies offer a flat fee, it means that the commitment is lower. The services are charged to an amount and you can choose the services you need.

However, this is only a part of the pricing structure. Different agencies present different structures. If you are a small business owner, the best pricing structure for you would be customised to your specific needs. When the fee is tailored to your needs, you will only pay for the services that you require to take your business to the next level. This is where you can turn to NHANCE Digital. We are a reputed social media agency in the UK offering bespoke service fees. You can trust us to provide you services at a competitive rate.

So, if you are looking for a social media agency, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Talk to our social media marketers and discuss your specific needs. We will work with you to work out a strategy that works best for your business.