7 Steps to Follow in a Professional Designing Process

7 Steps to Follow in a Professional Designing Process

Creating a high-quality website design is not child’s play. The designers understand the client’s brief and work accordingly. But there are essential steps that our designers do not skip. Factors like, researching, sketching, brainstorming and revisioning- everything is required to make a website design stand out.

We, at Nhance Digital, have mapped 7 crucial steps to impress a client. These are:

Study the client’s brief

When the client explains his/her requirements, it is essential to set goals and context. This helps in generating a blueprint of the design that leads to the final structure. Ask questions to be sure that you are on the right track.

As an eminent web design company in UK, our designers yield all the answers that enlighten on the key parts of the project like, what message the client is trying to convey, what styles and approach they want, will they use photographs or illustrations and more. The constant interaction will ensure that you both are on the same page.


Research as much as you can to develop more concrete ideas for the project. During the initial research, study your client’s business, culture, background, local competitors and other details. By doing this, you can mould the blueprint and create something innovative out of it.
In the next step, analyse the target audience. This is where you need to consider their gender, age, location, income, lifestyle and other factors. When you know the audience, it becomes easier for you to convey the right message in the best possible way.


In this step, you have to accumulate all the points together that you have researched so far. An ideal way to generate ideas is to use the layout that you have already structured in your mind and link that with the main concept. Or, you can scribble down random ideas from time to time and, finally, choose one that relates to the brand and the audience. Maintain a list of the ideas because you never know when a discarded idea makes sense and can be used later on. Also, these drafts can be used for upcoming projects.


Sketching is a fine way to visualise the elements that you want to put on a website. Plus, it saves time. Now, this has become a common approach to be well-liked by experienced and trained designers, like the ones we hire. Sketches lay a solid foundation and aid in developing concepts faster than you can imagine. From designing the flow of the layout to shaping the logo, sketching can help you in a lot of ways.

Develop concept

Once you have sketched some ideas, it is time to give a shape to them and develop them a bit further. Our designers come up with 3-5 concepts so that our client gets some choices and picks the best. However, the number varies depending on the project and its requirements.
Your job does not end right after presenting the concepts. Explain the logic behind each concept and why do you think that the design will work. This is where you can utilise your research. Allow your clients to pick their favourite elements each from one layout, such as font from Option 1 whilst the colour palette from Option 4, and use it on the final design.


Once the client picks a layout, it is time for you to determine whether it meets the project’s objectives and outlines or not. Your client may ask you to fuse different concepts and create a brand new one. It may take three to four rounds of revisions to get a website design approved by a client. Revisions are normal because it polishes the work that gets better with each round.


In the last step, your client may suggest some minor tweaks or may approve it. This is nothing more rewarding than satisfying a client with a project that you have put your heart into.
At Nhance Digital, you will find seasoned designers who have taken creativity to a whole new level. Our designed websites not only engage traffic but also convert visitors into sales. If you are looking forward to hiring web design services in the UK, do not hesitate to give us a call.