What are the Attributes of a Good SEO Backlink?

What are the Attributes of a Good SEO Backlink?

For a successful SEO campaign, you cannot ignore backlinks. When search engines like, Google assigns your website a place in its search results, they take into consideration the appearance of links to your website and the number of visitors produced by them. Backlinks are of great value to search engines as it is an indication of how popular your website is. Another website linking to you is essentially a vote for you and it shows consumers that it is worth visiting your website. However, only high-quality backlinks will help you get the desired results. Being a veteran link building company in the UK, Nhance Digital has put in place certain attributes to ascertain the quality of the SEO backlinks. Keep reading to know those attributes.

# Reputable Source

The backlinks must come from a reputable and trusted source. By a reputable source, we refer to websites that are extremely popular, are relevant to the keywords that are being searched and are generally considered to be reliable. Links provided by such websites are viewed positively by the Internet users, as well as, the search engines.

# Relevant Keyword

The link or anchor text, which is the link visible on the screen must be a strong keyword because this shows crawlers and visitors what the link is all about. Backlinks that are descriptive, relevant keywords will be beneficial for the growth of your website in the web space.

# Linked to Appropriate Pages

Our team of professionals always make sure that the links are added to pages with relevant information. The downfall of adding links to pages that are irrelevant result in the search engines viewing your website as spam and your rankings can be penalised. As we only implement white hat link building strategies, you can be assured that the links to your website are as per the guidelines approved by Google.

# Good Quality Website

Thanks to our years of experience, we have understood one thing that backlinks are only as strong and powerful as your own website. This means that no matter how valuable the backlinks are, they will be of no real value if your website is not helpful to the visitors who arrive there. So, it is of utmost important to make sure that all of your web pages can be navigated easily and are filled with important information.

If you want more information on backlinks and their attributes, contact us.

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