Key things to know when hiring an agency for link building

Key things to know when hiring an agency for link building

Do you want your website to occupy a top position in the search engine rankings? If so, you will need to invest in link building. Links have always formed an important part of SEO and it is not easy to do it yourself. If you are thinking of hiring an agency for link building, you need to find an ethical agency like NHANCE Digital who only follow white hat link building techniques. Let us tell you the other crucial things that you need to look for in a link building agency.

Experience in link building

Link building is all about reaching out to industry connections and requesting them to provide backlinks. It also involves guest blogging and internal linking. For the best results, you would want to hire link building services in the UK from an agency with significant experience. For instance, we, at NHANCE Digital, specialise in link building and have over 10+ years of experience in the industry. This puts us in a favourable position to reach out to our connections to help our clients build links fast. An inexperienced agency might knowingly or unknowingly resort to black hat link building techniques because they lack solid connections.

Link building strategy

Strategy is important to any link building agency. You do not have to be a digital marketing professional to ask questions. Moreover, asking a link building agency about their strategy is good because it will give you a clear idea of what you are paying for.

In the link building world, there is nothing called a ‘secret link building strategy’. All companies have to follow the regulations and rules set by Google. The only difference is that not all strategies might be beneficial for your business. So, the trick is to find an agency who will understand the specific and unique needs of your business, and provide you with customised link building strategies.

This is what our link building specialists do. They study the client’s business, conduct a competitive analysis and come up with a plan. We provide our clients with an overview of that plan so that they are always informed.


This is tricky. All higher priced companies do not mean top-notch quality. Sometimes, large link building companies charge more because they have overhead costs, large offices and lots of employees. While all link building agencies charging a higher price is not inherently bad, you have to make sure that you know what you are paying for. Similarly, it is not wise to search for the cheapest link building agency and expect to get the best quality.

You need to ask the agency the strategies, resources and tools that they will use to help you get the results that you want. The decision has to be made after you have done your research and due diligence.

At NHANCE Digital, we provide our clients with the option of flexible price packages. Since we offer bespoke link building services in the UK, the package can also be personalised. This allows our clients to enjoy a lot of flexibility and we are fully transparent when it comes to giving a break-up of the costs.

Diversity in link building tactics

Our link building experts believe that high-quality backlinks can be achieved by using different tactics. This is why we focus on providing links from various places and through the implementation of varied techniques. Some services that you can expect from us are citation building, guest blogging, social media content, blog commenting, testimonials and so on. We work toward finding white hat link building techniques that will help our clients grow their links. Our focus is always on getting good quantity links rather than a lot of links of poor quality.

Support services

Communication is key and once you avail link building services from an agency, you should be able to reach out to them easily. Ensure that the agency maintains an active correspondence with their clients. We, at NHANCE Digital, always keep our clients aware of our strategies. We also inform them if we are about to make any changes.

So, are you looking for a link building service provider in the UK? Connect with us and let us help you.