What are the common approaches to digital marketing?

What are the common approaches to digital marketing?

Digital marketing, also called online or Internet marketing, has emerged as the most common way of promoting any business, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. It helps to create brand awareness with the use of online resources. Slowly, but surely, digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing media and it is only about time when small to large businesses will depend on the Internet for promotional activities and connecting with the target audience. With Nhance Digital, you can be part of this revolution from now and reap the long-term benefits.

Here are some of the highly-used and main approaches to digital marketing that you should know.


SEO (search engine optimisation) and SEM (search engine marketing) are quite similar, but consist of different actions. They also relate to different aspects of digital marketing. SEO is the foundation for SEM and when each of them is used correctly, there is a good chance of getting high-quality website traffic.

SEM refers to paid search advertising whilst SEO is about organic search advertising. SEM are ads that appear before organic search results at the top of the page. Typically, this has a lot to do with the correct placement and usage of keywords.

SEO is a process that helps in enhancing the online visibility of a web page or website. Search engines assess certain things on a website like, keywords, tags and link titles to attract organic web traffic.

SEO is for unpaid traffic whilst SEM is for targeted traffic that you have paid for. Both of these strategies work in tandem to help websites achieve the desired goals and results. At Nhance Digital, our team of professionals are proficient in running both paid and unpaid ad campaigns. If you want to understand the difference between the two and how each work, you can talk to us.

Content marketing

Content marketing refers to the content that you will be displaying in front of your target audience. In order to create content that immediately attracts the attention of your audience and the search engines, you have to conduct thorough keyword research. Even though Google and other search engines condemn keyword stuffing, they have not done away with keyword usage altogether. Also, owing to algorithm changes and the focus shifting to user experience, search engines prefer keywords that seem to be naturally inserted rather than being forced into a sentence.

Apart from keyword research, content ought to be well-researched, interesting and informative. It must be written to impress both users and search engines.

Today, there are many different types of content that you need to focus at once, such as:

  • Writing content to be featured on Google snippets, which means that your content has to be broken using bullets, number listings and so on. Also, it can be written in a Q&A format.
  • Evergreen content, which remains on the Internet for a long time and does not lose its value even as time passes
  • Long-format content that is about 1000 to 2000 words and contains in-depth research of the subject
  • Short-format content of about 500 words is also widely used as it helps to give important news to the users
  • Short content as social media posts

Responsive website design

As mobile usage surges and mobile searches continue to surpass desktop searches, responsive website design cannot be ignored anymore. Instead of having separate websites for desktop and mobile, we suggest our clients design a responsive website that automatically adjusted and adapts itself across different screen sizes. A responsive website is user-friendly and also easier for webmasters to keep it updated. You only have one website to maintain. With Google’s mobile-first index, websites that can be opened on any device are given more preference when it comes to ranking.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the process of creating customised content tailored to suit individual social media networking sites. Social media drives sharing and user engagement. It gives businesses a great platform to interact with their target audience on a personal level. But, businesses need to be careful about having a solid plan when it comes to social media. You cannot randomly post anything. Also, your posts should not always be just about your business and products or services. For instance, the pandemic has shifted the focus of customers. They want to be associated with brands who have empathy. So, the posts shared can be about your business, but also about how much you care about your customers.

Also, social media marketing leaves you vulnerable to criticisms. So, you need to have a strong team of social media marketers ready to respond to comments and criticisms.

So, these are the most common approaches to digital marketing. If you wish to know more about Nhance Digital’s digital marketing agency services, feel free to reach out to us.