4 Basic Principles of Website Design

4 Basic Principles of Website Design

Nhance Digital is UK’s premier digital marketing agency specialising in promoting businesses and brands across diverse digital platforms. A well-designed website is the first-step to gaining visibility in the web world and we can help you with that. Thanks to our dynamic team of highly-skilled and passionate web designers, we design smart websites that not only attract visitors, but converts them to actual customers.

Our web design services are aimed at helping you throughout the whole process. Our designers follow the four basic principles of web design that are given below.

# Grid system

The grid helps to determine that way a website is read. There are various arrangements of columns and rows available today and we can help you choose the arrangement that suits your needs the best. While designing a website, we also keep in mind the requirements of responsive website so that your site can be seamlessly browsed across diverse platforms and devices. If required, we can create a customised grid system for your website.

# Web-safe fonts

Our web designers have a clear idea of which fonts are supported by the browsers and which ones are not. We know exactly the type of fonts to use for headlines, subheads, content body, call to action and so on. Our aim is to make your website look crisp, creative and easy-to-read.

# Visual hierarchy

Our affordable website design services also takes into consideration the visual hierarchy. This is important because when designing a website, you need to keep in mind the reading behaviour of your target audience. In most cultures, people read from left-to-right and top-down. Since Internet users will usually scan the pages of your website and not really read them, it is important that the words stand out and your message is loud and clear. Our designers make sure that the important elements of a website, such as the logo, key images or call to action are all placed in a way that makes scanning easy.

# Use of colours and images

The choice of colours and images determine how appealing your website will be. For colours, we usually stick to a minimal colour palette so that your brand and business stands out and for images, we can work with you to decide what best defines your business.

By following the basics of web design, our designers strive to craft striking websites. Allow our experts to maximise the potential of your business.