How to increase high-quality backlinks in SEO?

How to increase high-quality backlinks in SEO?

High-quality backlinks pointing to a website is one of the most crucial rankings factors. If an authoritative website is linking out to your website, Google will consider it as a positive signal and consider your website to be relevant and credible. This, in turn, will improve your SERP ranking. So, if you want to boost the online visibility of your website, you need to put in place a strong backlink building strategy. As a link building agency, Nhance Digital would like to share some tips. Keep reading to know them.


The content on your website massively influences the ability of your website to attract backlinks. You must focus on developing high-quality content for your entire website. This is going to help other websites decide if they want to link to you. Your website must provide the necessary and relevant information that users are looking for. Moreover, you should concentrate on crafting original blog posts and articles that will constantly keep giving information to users regarding your brand, products or services. You can also create visually-appealing content to attract the attention of your target audience.

Another form of content that we would recommend is crafting content in the form of lists or Q&A. Ever since featured snippets have been released by Google, this form of content has been in demand. Featured snippets are seen before organic search results, and therefore, a good way to grab attention and get noticed.

Last, but not the least, make it easy for websites to link to your content.

Reach out to websites where your competitors guest post

Guest blogging is a great way to get premium quality backlinks. You have to reach out to authoritative guest posting websites and start posting unique blog posts. Ensure that the guest posting website is relevant to your niche. A great way to find out such websites is through competitor analysis. Find out where your competitors are guest posting and you can use that information to your advantage.

Rebuild broken links

Some website publishers do not always link when they should and some might even include links that are incorrect or broken. You can search for these broken links and make use of them. These links provide an opportunity for you to gain good quality backlinks. But, you have to keep an eye out for such broken links and make sure that the links are relevant to your industry or business.

When you find a broken link, you have to contact the webmaster and notify them of the error. Also, provide them with a link back to your website that they can use as a replacement. If you need more help with rebuilding broken links, you can talk to our expert link builders.

Write testimonials for another brand

You can offer to write reviews or testimonials and get a link back to your website. Usually, brands are always eager to feature good reviews. Also, they typically link back to the reviewer as a show of good faith. So, you can consider sharing your experience regarding the brand as that would be a win-win situation for both of you.

Craft a social sharing strategy

It is still debatable if social shares send signals to Google and other search engines to help improve a website’s rankings, but a social strategy is still valuable for improving your SEO game. With a social strategy, you can drive traffic to your website and content, enhance your exposure and get noticed. All of this is great for your link building and branding efforts. Also, as content is being shared around the Internet, the chances of more people seeing it goes up. So, this gives other websites a chance to take a look at your content and link to your website. Considering all this, we would say that you should consider crafting a social strategy where your content can be easily shared.

Reclaim image links

Image links are often forgotten or ignored. But, pictures that are embedded in websites usually include a link to their actual source. There are times when these links are not pointing to the right website or they might be broken. You can keep an eye out for such opportunities, especially if you are using a lot of images for your website. Make sure that all the graphics that have been used in your website link back to your website.

So, these are a few ways by which you can strengthen your backlink building game. If you are still struggling or do not know how to proceed, you can connect with Nhance Digital. We are a leading link building agency in the UK and we will be glad to carry out an audit of your website to craft a bespoke link building plan. We are waiting to hear from you.