Importance of A Good Web Design

Importance of A Good Web Design

In today’s world, it is essential for businesses to create a good design for their website. Selling quality products is not enough if you fail to grab the attention of the customers in the first place. It is the online presence that determines the success or failure of your business. If you already have an operating website, chances are that it has been outdated already and is in need of a redesign. The best link building and web designing agency like Nhance Digital can fulfil your requirements.

Why is website design crucial?

Your website’s design matters simply because your target audience cares about it. People react to visuals and are seen to be generally attracted to good designs. Often, people judge your product on the visuals alone and make a hard pass if the website does not seem attractive.
* 75% of customers will judge a company’s credibility based on the visuals given on the website. An outdated website often raises questions about legitimacy in the user’s mind. Invariably, the user shifts to a competitor’s website to find the product.

* 94% of users form a first impression about a product or a service based on the website design. According to a reputed web design company in London such as Nhance Digital, first impressions actually determine whether the user will stay on your page or simply scroll through. Outdated designs will drive several visitors away.

Why do you need good design?


Customers care a lot about a website’s good design. Nhance Digital can help you with an amazing web design.

SEO – Good web design is not about looking beautiful; it has a direct impact on the site’s SEO optimisation. The behind-the-scenes elements of the design affect your website’s rank on the search engine’s page. A website may look all suave, but if there is cumbersome coding or several large images that result in slow loading, it will have a negative impact on SEO and drive visitors away.

Brand professionalism – Most people judge a brand’s authenticity based on the web design and best link building techniques. They will not care to go through the content if the design does not attract them initially. Professional and modern design build trust in the minds of the users and maintain brand consistency.

Conversion – Designing your website in a way that highlights special offers, draws attention to a call to action and guides users to identify clickable elements is a great boost for your business. There are several ways to optimise the layout for conversion. Leave it in the hands of our professionals to come up with the right tactics.

Visitors form an impression of your website in just a few seconds. If the design of the site is not well enough to grab the attention of the customer instantly, you cannot hope for your business to succeed. Reaching out to the SEO experts from Nhance Digital, a leading web design company in London, will solve this problem. To get an eye-grabbing layout for your website, call us without further delay.