Social Media agency in UK Archives - NHANCE Digital Fri, 14 Jan 2022 02:12:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media agency in UK Archives - NHANCE Digital 32 32 Questions to ask before you select a social media agency Fri, 14 Jan 2022 02:12:21 +0000 Social media marketing is one of the hottest trends in the digital marketing world. As more and more businesses are looking to promote their goods and services across social media platforms, there has been an increase in the number of agencies providing social media marketing services in the UK and across the globe. As such, […]

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Social media marketing is one of the hottest trends in the digital marketing world. As more and more businesses are looking to promote their goods and services across social media platforms, there has been an increase in the number of agencies providing social media marketing services in the UK and across the globe. As such, there is an overwhelming number of choices available for you and deciding on the right one might be a daunting task.

To help you select the right social media agency in the UK to elevate your social presence, NHANCE Digital has outlined some of the questions that you must ask prospective agencies.

  • What is the agency’s overall approach to social media marketing?

The answer to this question will help you understand the values of the agency and what drives them. The good agencies have a set of common beliefs and core values that are at the heart of everything that they do.

You must make sure the agency’s values and overall approach to marketing aligns with your own.

  • Who are their clients?

The credentials of an agency is proved by their list of satisfied clients. You can ask the agency to show you a list of their past and present clients that they have worked with. Also, you can request them to show you their case studies and share the strategies that they have used to help their clients become successful. This will give you an idea as to how the agency works and what you can expect from them.

You can even ask them to show you the social media campaigns that they are proud of. It will give you an idea if they can handle your business or if they have worked with clients in your niche.

However, there’s a few things that you need to keep in mind.

  • Not all agencies will be comfortable disclosing their client list. So, don’t expect to get a full client list.
  • Most agencies will not be willing to share their social media secrets that helped their clients achieve success across social media platforms. But, you would want to collaborate with an agency willing to share their secrets, such as NHANCE Digital.

If the agency tries to hide too many details, it is best to move on to the next potential agency on your list.

  • What are the social media tools that the agency uses?

Good social media agencies typically use paid tools and software to manage the accounts of their clients. These paid tools allow them to execute social media listening, scheduling posts and reading important data that will be imported automatically from the social media platforms.

They must not hold back on revealing the tools that they use so it gives you an idea of their expertise.

  • What is their pricing structure?

Generally, agencies use all kinds of complex pricing structures and the most common amongst them are flat fees and monthly retainers.

Monthly retainers typically work well because the company gets paid for the work that they do. Therefore, you can be assured of getting your money’s worth. But, if the retainer fee is too high, the agency might not be doing justice to you.

When agencies offer a flat fee, it means that the commitment is lower. The services are charged to an amount and you can choose the services you need.

However, this is only a part of the pricing structure. Different agencies present different structures. If you are a small business owner, the best pricing structure for you would be customised to your specific needs. When the fee is tailored to your needs, you will only pay for the services that you require to take your business to the next level. This is where you can turn to NHANCE Digital. We are a reputed social media agency in the UK offering bespoke service fees. You can trust us to provide you services at a competitive rate.

So, if you are looking for a social media agency, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Talk to our social media marketers and discuss your specific needs. We will work with you to work out a strategy that works best for your business.

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Must-know social media marketing trends in 2022 & beyond Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:00:10 +0000 For social media platforms, 2021 proved to be a busy year and 2022 promises to be even busier. With COVID impacting businesses and lives, it would be best to utilise the social media platforms to stay engaged with your target audience. As a social media marketing agency in London, NHANCE Digital is here to offer […]

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For social media platforms, 2021 proved to be a busy year and 2022 promises to be even busier. With COVID impacting businesses and lives, it would be best to utilise the social media platforms to stay engaged with your target audience. As a social media marketing agency in London, NHANCE Digital is here to offer all the help you need to grow your social presence and propel your business.

Want to know how social media is shaping up in 2022? Here’s a sneak peek into the predicted strategies.

Demands for social media accountability is set to increase

The usage of social media platforms have doubled over the last couple of years and that has put these platforms under the limelight. Many people have argued about the negative influences of Instagram and Facebook, which has led to the increase in public calls regarding social media accountability.

For marketers, it means that whatever content they post on the social media platforms, it will be scrutinised. It is important to ensure not to hurt the sentiments of the audience when uploading and posting any image or video content on the platforms. There is an increasing need to be sensitive regarding what is showcased on these platforms.

Social media will put more focus on ad revenue

Even though the myriad ads shown alongside your social media feeds are beginning to show its age, the revenue created has reached new heights. According to research, Twitter reached approximately $2 billion in ad revenue in 2021 even though the growth was flat. Furthermore, Instagram made about 50% of Facebook’s $50 billion in ad revenues.

Markets should not even think about putting pause on new ads features. It is likely that digital ads will positively impact the customer journey. But, there will be increasing pressure to show ROI.

Forward-looking content marketing is fueled by TikTok’s popularity

Most businesses view TikTok as a platform for dancing and kids. But, this view is short-sighted. All social media platforms have recently added short-form video, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, Pinterest Idea Pins, YouTube Shorts, etc. Even LinkedIn is rumoured to join the bandwagon.

All this spark and encouragement toward short-form video is led by TikTok. So, if you want to use videos in your marketing plan, you must learn to use TikTok. The platform will help market your business and give you a headstart.

Social commerce will continue to grow, along with customer service

COVID-19 has transformed the way people purchase products or services. From scheduling a doctor’s appointment to picking up groceries, everything is seamlessly done online. The increase in online shopping has given way to social commerce, which is not showing any signs of slowing down. For example, Facebook marketplace. Sellers don’t need to create a website or sell their products on an eCommerce website, but they can sell through social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

As consumers are getting accustomed to the convenience of online shopping, they are expecting fast responses to their queries and more attentive customer service executives. Social media marketers need to refine customer service to attain the maximum benefit of these new social media commerce features.

The increasing popularity of creative influencers

Thanks to the introduction of creative tools, it has led to the invention of a new kind of influencer known as the Creators. They differ from traditional influencers because they utilise the available tools to create original content. They have become quite valuable during the pandemic and their popularity is on the rise. Creators have amassed a sizeable follower count as there were limited gathering options during the pandemic.

This means that marketers now have the option of using two kinds of influencers for spreading brand awareness and leveraging engagement. Since creators make their content from scratch, they can beautifully demonstrate the uses and benefits of your products or services. They even create micro-influencer opportunities.

Summing up

Since the pandemic, the social media platforms have garnered a lot of attention and appreciation. If you want to take your business to the next level, it would be foolish not to use social media platforms. Connect with NHANCE Digital, the social media marketing agency in London, to discuss your specific requirements.

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Top social media marketing tactics that bring results Thu, 11 Nov 2021 04:52:07 +0000 Most people start their morning by opening up Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and scrolling through their feed. The phenomenon of daily social media scrolling has increased manifold since the outbreak of the coronavirus. As a result, enterprises have taken notice of the power that social media wields and taking steps to harness it for reaching […]

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Most people start their morning by opening up Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and scrolling through their feed. The phenomenon of daily social media scrolling has increased manifold since the outbreak of the coronavirus. As a result, enterprises have taken notice of the power that social media wields and taking steps to harness it for reaching out to their target audience.

Here at NHANCE Digital, we are a social media agency in the UK interested in sparking your inspiration. Our team has gathered a list of some of the most actionable social media marketing techniques that bring results.

Craft a social media marketing plan

A social media marketing plan helps businesses organise what they are posting and where. The four important steps to crafting a plan are as follows:

  • Know your audience and find out where they are hanging out online. Note their behavior, the kind of content they share and the people they are interacting with.
  • Define your business objectives and think of the best ways to use social media to fulfill your goals. For instance, if you wish to generate 50% more leads, find the social media channels that support your vision.
  • Determine where you will focus your social media efforts and work with your team to align the best practices for each chosen platform.
  • Think of the tools you will add to your social media marketing arsenal and how you will track activities, monitor them and measure the results.

Create a social media calendar

Keeping track of the different social media platforms can get confusing and overwhelming. To prevent making mistakes when posting different content on different platforms, use a social media calendar and get organised. You can include deadlines for content creation on the calendar, along with publication dates.

Find out the best time to post and establish a posting frequency

It is crucial to find the best time to post on social media so that your posts get maximum traction. You can decide to post at a different time of the day to reap incredible rewards.

When deciding on the time to post, think if your audience is predominantly 9 to 5 workers who cannot use social media during office hours. So, posting after 10 am or 11 am during a weekday will not get you the traction you desire. Since the right time to post is different for each social media platform, you can count on our social media team to help you with the research.

Besides the right posting time, it is important to maintain a posting frequency. If your posts keep popping up out of the blue, you’ll struggle to form a relationship with your target audience. Being consistent with your posts will help nurture a connection with your audience, and they will anticipate posts from you.

Schedule posts in advance

If you know what you are going to post, it is best to schedule posts in advance. It will save you time and effort from having to find small chunks of time here and there. To post in advance, our team invests considerable time in brainstorming post and content ideas, creating different copy variations and mapping out how each post will go out.

Content personalized to each network

What works on Twitter might not work on Facebook and vice versa. Whether a business update or a blog, you need to tweak it for each social media platform. For instance, Facebook and Instagram foster casual conversations whilst LinkedIn are more professional. The tone and language of your posts must adhere to the requirements of the social media platform.

Focus on the length of the caption

Bite-sized bits of content is typically associated with social media. However, that’s not the case with all the platforms. You need to tailor your captions according to your chosen social media network. You can mix and match snappy and short commentary with long-form posts. The more you experiment, the more you understand what your followers respond to.


When it comes to engaging your audience, you cannot ignore social media. To reap improved brand awareness, you need to leverage the social media channels properly. For any assistance, NHANCE Digital’s team is here to walk you through the process. We are a social media agency in the UK with years of experience, and our services are priced competitively.

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Introducing Your Brand to a Larger Audience Using Digital Marketing Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:17:34 +0000 Today, we can see a distinct shift from conventional marketing to digital marketing. The shift has become more evident than ever thanks to the pandemic. The lockdowns and work-from-home culture have pushed people toward the World Wide Web. Even those businesses that solely relied on traditional advertising methods have made inroads into the digital world. […]

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Today, we can see a distinct shift from conventional marketing to digital marketing. The shift has become more evident than ever thanks to the pandemic. The lockdowns and work-from-home culture have pushed people toward the World Wide Web. Even those businesses that solely relied on traditional advertising methods have made inroads into the digital world. Here, NHANCE Digital is discussing the six ways that you can make use of digital marketing to introduce your brand to a larger audience.

SEO or search engine optimisation

This is the first and the most important way of introducing your business website to your target audience. It is not enough to have a beautiful website, but you need to optimise it for the search engines so that your target audience can easily find you. With the right SEO tactics, you can enhance the amount of organic traffic that comes your way.

The best part? The results achieved through SEO are trackable and measurable. So, if there is any SEO strategy that is not working in favour of your business, we can always tweak it.

Content marketing

Content continues to be king and people are always on the lookout for good content. This is a long-term strategy and can help in building strong, long-lasting relationships with your audience. For this strategy to be effective, you need to craft content that provides value to your potential customers. Content should be informative, relevant and also interesting. You can create some of the content to give information about product/services and some others to let your audience know of the changes within the company. You can even write content to let your customers know of the evolutions and innovations within the industry.

Email marketing

Emails are not redundant and they are one of the most important forms of digital marketing. This is a type of off-page marketing. With a well-design email marketing campaign, you can reach out to your audience and connect with them. Email marketing can be a cost-effective way of introducing your brand, providing customers with information regarding upcoming sales and so on. Moreover, you can personalise the emails to engage your customers and ensuring that they always think of your brand.

Email marketing is actually one of the most low-cost methods of driving the highest conversions.

Social media marketing or SMM

With Facebook, Twitter and Instagram taking centre stage in people’s lives, you cannot ignore social media networking sites. Your brand has to be present in one or a few of the social media platforms. This is one of the best ways to connect, engage and keep in touch with your audience. It will help you to create followers who will advertise your brand on their own. Also, being present on social media will open your brand to a much larger audience. It may even go beyond your immediate target audience. But, social media is unforgiving. It gives you the right amount of exposure to run a successful business, but it also opens your brand to criticisms. If you need any help with your social media campaign, rely on NHANCE Digital. We are a social media agency in the UK with an experience that goes as far as 10 years. Leverage the experience of social media experts to take your brand to the next level.

Pay-per-click advertising or PPC

Whilst SEO is a form of organic digital marketing, PPC is a form of paid advertising. This method is extremely effective in driving targeted traffic to your website. With the help of PPC, you can place your website above the websites that are ranking organically. Your target audience will be seeing your website first and that increases the chances of them clicking on your website. As experts in running PPC ad campaigns, we are here to assist you at every step of the way. We understand that mistakes can be costly when it comes to running PPC ads.

Are you ready to take your brand to a much larger audience? If so, NHANCE Digital is here to help you take the next big step. Our digital marketing experts are experienced and they know that one size solution does not fit all types of business. Call us to know more.

The post Introducing Your Brand to a Larger Audience Using Digital Marketing appeared first on NHANCE Digital.
