Web Design Company in UK Archives - NHANCE Digital Fri, 20 May 2022 01:02:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://www.nhancedigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/favicon-180x180.png Web Design Company in UK Archives - NHANCE Digital 32 32 Top 4 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Designing a Website https://www.nhancedigital.com/top-4-common-mistakes-to-avoid-while-designing-a-website/ Fri, 20 May 2022 01:02:18 +0000 https://www.nhancedigital.com/?p=1710 A well-designed website helps a business in several ways. It helps you convey your message in a professional manner, helps users navigate through the website, engages prospects, and even accelerates the conversion rate. However, common design errors will not allow you to enjoy these benefits and even derail the purpose of having a website, i.e., […]

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A well-designed website helps a business in several ways. It helps you convey your message in a professional manner, helps users navigate through the website, engages prospects, and even accelerates the conversion rate. However, common design errors will not allow you to enjoy these benefits and even derail the purpose of having a website, i.e., engage your customers. So, if you want to leverage the benefits of a well-designed website you can contact a top web design company in UK such as Nhance Digital.

To provide you with an edge in the competitive online space, we have pointed out some of the common website design mistakes that must be avoided when designing one for yourself.

Website Design Mistakes that You Must Avoid

1. Long loading time

If your website takes a long time to load then it can be triggered by design errors and must be resolved as soon as possible. This is because there are millions of websites out there offering similar services and customers are looking for an enhanced user experience. Thus, a slow loading website hurts the user experience, which, in turn, can hurt its rankings on Google.

Improperly optimised images, and hefty themes, are some of the reasons that make a website slow. Thus, for the best website design services, you must always hire the best web design company in UK.

2. Poor layout

If a website lacks in areas such as adequate white space, a simple navigation framework, carefully placed call to action buttons, etc. then it has a poor layout. Such websites will never attract visitors, let alone boost retention and conversion rates. Your website design must be functional if you want your customers to perform specific tasks such as subscribing to newsletters, purchasing an item or availing of a service.

3. Not mobile-friendly

In case your website is not mobile-friendly, which means that it is not responsive and fails to scale down to smaller screens, your business will be missing out on a lot of traffic. Today, a majority of users use smartphones to visit their favourite websites, so if your website fails to align to these smaller screens properly, it will turn away visitors as they will not find your website useful.

4. No Call to Action

Even if your website is receiving a lot of traffic and yet you are not achieving your goals, such as securing subscribers or converting visitors, the problem might be with poor implementation of the Call to Action button. A top web design company in London recommends strategically placing the CTA button across the website can help you to achieve a better conversion rate.

When designing a website it is essential to focus on several aspects. Launching a poorly designed website simply means a waste of time, effort and financial loss. Thus, if you want to make a mark in this crowded digital market, you must know what design mistakes can cost you immensely. For avoiding such mistakes you can hire a reputable web design company in London say Nhance Digital for dignified solutions.

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Improve your website design with these essential tips https://www.nhancedigital.com/improve-your-website-design-with-these-essential-tips/ Thu, 17 Mar 2022 11:30:26 +0000 https://www.nhancedigital.com/?p=1682 If your visitors cannot understand what your company does or offers within a few seconds of landing on your website, you need to take a hard look at how your website has been optimised and designed. Business websites excel when they showcase a design that feeds into their functionality and user experience and appropriately complements […]

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If your visitors cannot understand what your company does or offers within a few seconds of landing on your website, you need to take a hard look at how your website has been optimised and designed. Business websites excel when they showcase a design that feeds into their functionality and user experience and appropriately complements the content. As a web design company in the UK, we fully understand the challenges of designing and optimising a business website. However, it is essential to figure out the most critical aspects of designing a website to offer visitors an immersive user experience. 

Without further ado, here is what you need to know about improving your website design. 

Start by having a plan 

Have you acknowledged your website requires improvements? The next step is to create a detailed plan to tackle the issues. It would be best to begin by mapping out the customer journey right from the time someone visits your business website to when they become a customer. 

Whilst you are mapping the customer journey, you need to think about the content they will read, the offers they will go through, and so on. Comprehending this will help design a website that nurtures leads via the sales funnel. 

Remove distractions from your website 

If there is too much going on in your website, it will distract your visitors and detract from the message and value you are trying to convey. Stocky website images, lengthy content and complicated animations are a few examples. 

Since the attention span of your audience is less than eight seconds, you need to make your business message abundantly clear. However, you must also avoid including too many animations, colour combinations, text fonts or images that might distract your target audience. 

Think of adding social proof 

Most online shoppers gravitate towards products that carry 4+ stars and have glowing customer reviews. By looking at such reviews, people trust the brand and product. A similar effect is applied to products or services and websites. Users need to see impactful reviews to trust brands. 

Don’t forget calls-to-action 

Once your target audience has landed on your website, it is vital to guide them to specific places on your website to nurture them and increase your conversion rates. Since visitors can easily miss the point or find themselves lost, it is crucial to create a roadmap for them. It would help if you told your visitors the actions you want them to take after they have landed on your website. As you point them in the direction, you are reducing their struggle. 

One of the best ways to do this is by strategically placing calls-to-action on your website. Place them in easily noticeable areas, such as below sections that require action, top right of the navigation and at the bottom of your website. 

Now that you know a few ways to improve the design and optimisation of your website, it is time to partner with the right web design company in the UK. At NHANCE Digital, we have a team of website designers and developers ready to cater to your requirements. 

The post Improve your website design with these essential tips appeared first on NHANCE Digital.

Website Improvements to Boost Post-COVID-19 Sales https://www.nhancedigital.com/website-improvements-to-boost-post-covid-19-sales/ Thu, 22 Oct 2020 06:20:54 +0000 https://www.nhancedigital.com/?p=1410 COVID-19 outbreak has slowed down many businesses and many even has had to shut down. However, the pandemic has also created hidden opportunities for businesses to take advantage of, especially with digital marketing. If you make some much-needed improvements to your website, you can potentially increase your chances of enhancing sales. We, NHANCE Digital, have […]

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COVID-19 outbreak has slowed down many businesses and many even has had to shut down. However, the pandemic has also created hidden opportunities for businesses to take advantage of, especially with digital marketing. If you make some much-needed improvements to your website, you can potentially increase your chances of enhancing sales.

We, NHANCE Digital, have listed out some of the major website improvements that you can consider to boost post-COVID-19 sales.

Enhance page load time

This was important even before COVID-19 and it is more so now. Decreasing the page load speed is one of the foremost website improvements that you should focus on. The page load time has an enormous impact on your website and the bounce rate.

With more people sitting at home, you can be assured that they are all searching for something or the other online. If they happen to come by your website, you would want them to have a good experience so that they keep coming back. But, if your webpages load really slowly, you can be sure that your visitors will not be coming back in the future. Slow websites put off Internet users and you lose out on the chance of turning those visitors into actual customers.

Freshen up the content of your website

People have a lot of time at the moment and so, they are doing quite a bit of online reading. Do you want to catch the attention of your potential customers? Refresh the content of your website. Make it more engaging and interesting so that visitors would want to spend more time exploring your website.

Through the creation of interesting webpage content, you can nudge your visitors toward the CTA and compel them to take an action.

Make your CTA buttons attractive

Simple changes can make a huge impact on your overall website design. For instance, changing the color of the CTA buttons. You can make them look attractive and encourage your visitors to click on them. Also, with this small change, you can bring the buttons to focus.

Provide more customer service options

You may sell the same products as your competitors, but you can differentiate yourself from them by offering better customer service. You can come up with ingenious offerings to entice your audience. You can provide them with a seamless and amazing user experience when they are on your website. For instance, you can improve the navigation of your website so that they can find what they are looking for without getting frustrated. You can also keep several options and ways to connect with your customer service team. If they can get a prompt response to their query, the chances of them making a transaction with you go high.

Add pictures or even videos

The coronavirus outbreak has made people wary of stepping out of their homes. This means that your website must clearly explain to them the products or services that you are offering. This is actually good news for online businesses and if you can take advantage of this opportunity, you will benefit greatly.

One of the ways that you can make sure your potential customers understand what you are offering them is through high-quality images and even videos. You can include those to your website so that your audience knows exactly what you are giving them and can make up their mind. You can also include tutorial videos and things like to clearly explain the uses of your products or services. If you have a lot of things to share, you can connect your website with your social media channel and direct your customers there. This will make sure that your website does not get too heavy and slow.

So, these are a few ways by which you can improve and optimize your website. Your website must entice, encourage, and excite your target audience so that they happily take action. If you need help designing your website or wish to redesign it, you can reach out to NHANCE Digital. We are a web design company in the UK specializing in website designing and also developing. We can even help you with your SEO requirements.

Contact us today to get started.

The post Website Improvements to Boost Post-COVID-19 Sales appeared first on NHANCE Digital.
