SEO service in Glasgow Archives - NHANCE Digital Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:20:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO service in Glasgow Archives - NHANCE Digital 32 32 Local SEO: How to optimise for “near me” searches? Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:20:23 +0000 The quickest evolving local search engine optimisation keyword is near me searches in the search engine. Near me searches have increased exponentially over the last few years, and if you are not optimising your local SEO efforts for these searches, you are missing out. When your business or brand name shows up in near me […]

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The quickest evolving local search engine optimisation keyword is near me searches in the search engine. Near me searches have increased exponentially over the last few years, and if you are not optimising your local SEO efforts for these searches, you are missing out. When your business or brand name shows up in near me searches, it provides customers all the details they need about your business.

If you need to show up in the near me searches, you can collaborate with a local SEO company in Glasgow like NHANCE Digital. We can help you by optimising your website in the following ways.

Creating or updating the GMB listing 

Google Business listings appear first when you search for local keywords. Therefore, creating or updating the Google My Business (GMB) listing is crucial. The listing must have all the necessary details like company name, address, number, reviews and pictures.

The GMB listing even appears on the maps, and having a presence there can further push the online visibility of your business.

Also, you can get more and more reviews to further optimise the near me searches.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly 

Most of the near me searches are performed when people are out of their homes. Therefore, you need to make your website mobile-friendly. If your website isn’t responsive to mobile devices, it will not attract many visitors and even have a higher bounce rate.

Mobile-friendly websites perform better at search results and provide people with the information they are looking for. Even Google prefers mobile-friendly websites over desktop-only websites.

When you are making your website responsive to mobile devices, ensure not to use flash, focus on improving the website’s load time, use large enough buttons, and use large fonts. Also, keep the design simple.

Make sure your business details are consistent everywhere 

You must ensure that all your websites list the same information about your brand or business. The details must be consistent. Also, your website must have a Contact page so visitors and potential customers can get in touch with you.

All the information on your website must be the same as the information in your GMB listing. If there are any changes, the information must be updated everywhere. If your business details are incorrect, it will create doubts in the minds of your customers.

Write relevant and original blogs to get local backlinks

Blog creation and maintenance are ideal ways to get local links. You can regularly share information and allow your users to stay updated through the blog. Furthermore, blogs are a great way to earn local links. Blogs can even persuade people to purchase your products when they are in the research phase of the customer journey.

Do you need help optimising your website for near me searches? If so, NHANCE Digital is here to offer affordable services. We are a local SEO company in Glasgow with years of experience and cater to your individual needs. Contact us, today!

The post Local SEO: How to optimise for “near me” searches? appeared first on NHANCE Digital.

7 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know Mon, 10 Aug 2020 07:23:37 +0000 Today, succeeding in organic search means optimising for a combination of factors that are considered to be crucial by the search engines, especially Google. This includes off-page, on-page and other technical factors. Over the years, we, at Nhance Digital, have noticed that a lot of importance is given to off-page techniques like link building. But, […]

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Today, succeeding in organic search means optimising for a combination of factors that are considered to be crucial by the search engines, especially Google. This includes off-page, on-page and other technical factors.

Over the years, we, at Nhance Digital, have noticed that a lot of importance is given to off-page techniques like link building. But, we want to tell you that on-page SEO is just as important. If you do not take into consideration on-page factors, off-page SEO is not going to be of much help to your website.

If you are not aware of what on-page SEO means, it refers to the process of optimising web pages to boost a website’s rankings in the SERPs and drive organic traffic. Besides publishing high-quality, relevant content, on-page SEO includes optimising HTML tags, headlines and images. It also means ensuring that your website has a high level of authoritativeness, expertise and trustworthiness.

Take a look below at the most important on-page factors that you should know.

  1. Title tag

The title tag is an HTML tag that is found in the head section of each web page. This provides visitors with an initial clue about the topical subject matter of the respective page. This is prominently featured in the SERPs and also in the browser window.

The title tag is often overlooked because, by itself, it does not have a lot of impact on organic rankings. But, duplicate, missing or poorly written title tags can negatively impact SEO results. So, make sure that this element is optimised properly.

  • Headlines

If you want your website content to fare well on search, you need to start writing attention-grabbing headlines. You might think that coming up with a blog title is too basic, but if the headline is not compelling enough, it will go unnoticed. A killer headline is a difference between an impression and a click. This is why you must create headlines strategically. It needs to spark an interest so that users are tempted to click and go through the content.

  • Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions have always been an important point of optimisation in SEO. Meta tags and description often sum up what the web page is about and this is displayed in the SERPs. You will find them under the title of the web page. Even though Google says that meta descriptions do not help with rankings, there is evidence that descriptions to help to convince users to click on the link.

If you can correctly write meta descriptions, it can help you in the following ways:

  • Improve the perception of the quality of the result
  • Boost click-through rate
  • Enhance the perception of what your website has to offer
  • Header tags

Headers tags are also HTML tags that are used to identify not just headings, but also subheadings within a content. Headers tags do not perform an important role when it comes to ranking, but they serve an important purpose for SEO and your target audience. With header tags, content can be made much more enjoyable and easier-to-read. Also, it can provide keyword-rich text to search engines and makes it easier for bots to understand what the content is all about.

  • Keyword cannibalisation

The more pages you have targeting one keyword, the chances are high for the website to rank for that keyword. This is what most people think, but this approach is false. If you target one particular keyword across different pages, you are basically setting up your website for keyword cannibalisation. This can have terrible consequences for your SEO efforts.

With multiple pages ranking for the same keyword, you are competing against yourself. So, we suggest that you identify if you are making this mistake and if you are, it must be resolved at once.

  • Image optimisation

If you want to make your web pages appear more appealing, you can think of adding images. But, all images are not made the same. Some of them might end up slowing down your website. To avoid this, you need to optimise the pictures and ensure that your website’s speed remains unaffected. Image optimisation ensures faster page load times, better user experience and additional ranking opportunities.

  • Content audit

Webmasters are always busy with creating new content and this is why they forget about the existing content on their website. It is important to evaluate the content already existing as it will help you identify whether the information given is still accurate or it needs to be updated. Your SEO strategy can greatly benefit from content audit and make sure to do it regularly.

So, these are a few of the on-page SEO factors that you need to know. If you need any help, turn to Nhance Digital and leverage our affordable SEO service in Glasgow.

The post 7 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know appeared first on NHANCE Digital.
