social media marketing Archives - NHANCE Digital Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:14:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media marketing Archives - NHANCE Digital 32 32 Ace Online Reputation Management With a Social Media Marketing Agency In London Thu, 12 Jan 2023 10:14:57 +0000 Undoubtedly social media gives businesses a chance to grow, tap into new markets and be easily accessible to their customers. However, having an online presence is not delightful all the time. Brands have to deal with trolls, bad reviews and overall negative reputation. Does this sound familiar? Thanks to online reputation management, there are ways […]

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Undoubtedly social media gives businesses a chance to grow, tap into new markets and be easily accessible to their customers. However, having an online presence is not delightful all the time. Brands have to deal with trolls, bad reviews and overall negative reputation. Does this sound familiar? Thanks to online reputation management, there are ways to deal with unfavourable comments and encourage clients to share positive reviews about your brand. But what is online reputation management (ORM)?

What is online reputation management?

Online reputation management is a set of activities executed to manage a brand’s profile, presence and reputation across online platforms. It ranges from Google Business Reviews to Instagram and YouTube. The brand needs to stay relevant for its clients by uploading content, interacting with them, and tackling criticism.

However, it requires a proper strategy since one wrong move is enough to tarnish the brand’s image. Professional digital and social media marketers from an expert social media marketing agency in London, like NHANCE  Digital, can help your brand ace online reputation management.

ORM Strategies followed by NHANCE Digital:

Right now, social media is stronger than ever. Therefore every brand is striving to establish an unwavering presence. It is the perfect platform for online reputation management, and an SEO agency in Leeds has several ORM strategies up its sleeves.

  • Commenting on customers’ posts: Engaging with a customer’s social media post is a classic technique of ORM. Let’s say you are a fitness brand offering top-notch workout clothes. Your customers love your product and post a photo on Instagram, tagging the brand. Commenting on such posts leaves a positive impression on the client, and they feel valued. It can also increase customer retention.
  • Addressing negative reviews: How well you manage online criticism plays a vital role in building the brand’s image among your existing and potential customers. If you promptly and positively handle a negative comment, it pacifies an angry customer. Additionally, they feel heard, and proper grievance management has a favourable impact on the brand’s online reputation. It is also a chance for you to direct the customers to new products, services or your website and online store.
  • Using customer or employee-generated content: While commenting on a customer’s post provides validation, you can go a step ahead and use their posts for your content. Customer-generated content is abundantly available. It saves you the hassle of creating new content and gives you a chance to connect with the customer. It is also applicable to employee-generated content. 

Final words:

Often people confuse ORM with SEO. While SEO is concerned with search engines and SERPs, ORM mainly focuses on social media. However, for a brand to be successful, ORM and SEO must work in close association. Monitoring online reviews is an effective practice for SEO. Often clients leave a review including a keyword such as a service or product that you offer. We, at NHANCE Digital- your most trusted SEO agency in Leeds, can help you manage your online reputation while increasing website traffic and improving rankings on SERPs.

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Unlock Online Customer Engagement with a Social Media Marketing Agency in London Mon, 19 Dec 2022 12:38:42 +0000 The fast life of London is almost like the feed page of Instagram- fresh content with every refresh! In such a fast-paced world, a reliable social media marketing agency can be a game-changer for every entrepreneurial Endeavour to reach its zenith. We at NHANCE digital have taken it a step further with our SEO agency […]

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The fast life of London is almost like the feed page of Instagram- fresh content with every refresh! In such a fast-paced world, a reliable social media marketing agency can be a game-changer for every entrepreneurial Endeavour to reach its zenith. We at NHANCE digital have taken it a step further with our SEO agency in Birmingham. We provide 360-degree social media marketing services to enable brands to efficiently widen their reach and engage with their customers.

How does your business benefit from our social media marketing strategies? 

Our social media marketing services encompass all digital marketing assets like Websites, blogs, e-brochures, promo videos, graphic designs, PR, ratings and reviews, along with social media handles like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

As social media marketing is a crucial strategy right now, here is a brief list of our services for you to have a look at:

  • Facebook and Instagram Marketing services: These platforms are extremely important and can yield high returns on investment in terms of engagements and leads if managed properly. For Facebook, we drive not just engagement but valuable leads as well. While for Instagram, our expert team helps curate visually appealing content that lasts in the subconscious of potential purchasers.
  • Linkedin Marketing: Linkedin is ‘The’ space for B2B modelled companies. We provide medium accurate, thoughtful and meaningful content with our team of Linkedin enthusiasts who are skilled in commodifying sales navigation, thus enabling our clients to acquire the most out of the media.
  • Twitter Marketing: Although Twitter can be a highly active political space, it is the fourth most popular social media platform, with more than 16 million users solely from the UK. Its large user base makes it a befitting platform to be used by businesses for sky-rocketing growth with our experts, who are adept at dispute resolution and marketing, making our services unique and safe over others.

While in the age of web3, multiple other platforms for connectivity, like Clubhouse, Discord, Reddit, Pinterest, etc., have a significant amount of users. Our wizards of all things social media marketing are here for you to manage and rule these emerging platforms as well.

The NHANCE Digital SEO factor:

In the era of content flooding, just as creating unique and relevant content can be extremely difficult. Similarly, bringing those content to the attention of potential buyers can be even more difficult.

The only viable solution to such a problem can be found with the help of our SEO experts, who develop SEO-friendly content. Search engine optimisation is the practice of optimising a website to increase the quality and quantity of its traffic from a search engine’s organic results.

Finding a suitable SEO agency amongst a pool of companies can be tough. Therefore it is essential to know their past work, area of specialisation, reliability, company ethics, work environment, and their own social media presence to make a wise decision. We maintain complete transparency with our clients and curate content specific to the needs and overall growth of both MNCs as well as small businesses.

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Augment your social media marketing strategy with these tips Fri, 21 Jan 2022 02:00:20 +0000 Social media platforms are growing by leaps and bounds. With over 4 billion users, social media marketing has been pushed to be the new norm. No matter what sector or industry your business belongs to, you can use social media to drive quality traffic, sales and customer engagement. However, being on social media isn’t enough. […]

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Social media platforms are growing by leaps and bounds. With over 4 billion users, social media marketing has been pushed to be the new norm. No matter what sector or industry your business belongs to, you can use social media to drive quality traffic, sales and customer engagement.

However, being on social media isn’t enough. The competition is extremely tough on these platforms and to gain mass visibility, you need to have a proper plan in place. It is important for businesses to leverage the power of popular social media platforms to reach out to their target audience and create brand awareness. So, if you want to use these platforms to the maximum, NHANCE Digital is the social media marketing company in the UK that can make your dream come true.

Our social media marketers have outlined below some of the tips that businesses can use to bridge the gap.

Define your goals and learn about your audience

If there’s no target to achieve, what will you aim at? Therefore, the first step to a successful social media strategy is to define your goals. The objectives you want to fulfil will be the driving force behind the strategy.

When you write down your goals, ensure to be specific and set goals that are attainable. Do not make the mistake of setting unrealistic goals. Also, measurable goals are preferred.

Once you have decided on the goals, the next step is to learn about your audience. Your strategy will be in vain if you do not set the right audience. It is vital to create your social media strategy around your audience. From choosing the right social media platforms to figuring out the content you will upload, everything depends on your target audience.

If you’re still wondering why you must give your audience all the spotlight, here’s why.

  • The social media posts that you create must resonate with your audience or they won’t like, comment and share them.
  • If the problems, concerns and questions of your audience aren’t defined, you won’t be able to connect with them. Without knowing the target demographic and the social network they use, your strategy will not be a success.

Be careful when you select your social media platform

It is not necessary for your business to be available on all of the social media platforms. You can create a lasting impression on the few that you are present on. According to our social media marketers, this is one of the best tactics. You must focus on the quality and not the quantity.

Ensure to research your target audience and the platforms that they use the most. Then, you can choose those platforms that will benefit you the most and align with your goals. You can count on us to help you choose the platforms that will be profitable for you.

Don’t forget to set up a social media content calendar

Without planning, all strategies fail and it is the same with social media marketing strategy. You need to set up a social media content calendar to organise your content and publish them efficiently and timely.

Content calendars even help to improve team collaboration, distribute resources effectively and provide a more in-depth understanding of what is working and what is not.

There are also social media calendar tools available that you can use to schedule your content and ensure they are uploaded in a timely fashion.

Collaborate with a social media marketing agency

There’s no harm in admitting that you need a bit of a helping hand. If you are struggling with your social media strategy, you can turn to NHANCE Digital. We are a social media marketing company in the UK dedicated to helping businesses become big brands across social media platforms. Our team of marketers know the ins and outs of social media platforms and they will help you throughout the process.

So, what are you waiting for? Let us join hands to augment the social presence of your brand. You can count on us to help you succeed and engage with your target audience. Our services are tailored and competitively priced, which makes us a favourite amongst small, medium and large businesses.

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Questions to ask before you select a social media agency Fri, 14 Jan 2022 02:12:21 +0000 Social media marketing is one of the hottest trends in the digital marketing world. As more and more businesses are looking to promote their goods and services across social media platforms, there has been an increase in the number of agencies providing social media marketing services in the UK and across the globe. As such, […]

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Social media marketing is one of the hottest trends in the digital marketing world. As more and more businesses are looking to promote their goods and services across social media platforms, there has been an increase in the number of agencies providing social media marketing services in the UK and across the globe. As such, there is an overwhelming number of choices available for you and deciding on the right one might be a daunting task.

To help you select the right social media agency in the UK to elevate your social presence, NHANCE Digital has outlined some of the questions that you must ask prospective agencies.

  • What is the agency’s overall approach to social media marketing?

The answer to this question will help you understand the values of the agency and what drives them. The good agencies have a set of common beliefs and core values that are at the heart of everything that they do.

You must make sure the agency’s values and overall approach to marketing aligns with your own.

  • Who are their clients?

The credentials of an agency is proved by their list of satisfied clients. You can ask the agency to show you a list of their past and present clients that they have worked with. Also, you can request them to show you their case studies and share the strategies that they have used to help their clients become successful. This will give you an idea as to how the agency works and what you can expect from them.

You can even ask them to show you the social media campaigns that they are proud of. It will give you an idea if they can handle your business or if they have worked with clients in your niche.

However, there’s a few things that you need to keep in mind.

  • Not all agencies will be comfortable disclosing their client list. So, don’t expect to get a full client list.
  • Most agencies will not be willing to share their social media secrets that helped their clients achieve success across social media platforms. But, you would want to collaborate with an agency willing to share their secrets, such as NHANCE Digital.

If the agency tries to hide too many details, it is best to move on to the next potential agency on your list.

  • What are the social media tools that the agency uses?

Good social media agencies typically use paid tools and software to manage the accounts of their clients. These paid tools allow them to execute social media listening, scheduling posts and reading important data that will be imported automatically from the social media platforms.

They must not hold back on revealing the tools that they use so it gives you an idea of their expertise.

  • What is their pricing structure?

Generally, agencies use all kinds of complex pricing structures and the most common amongst them are flat fees and monthly retainers.

Monthly retainers typically work well because the company gets paid for the work that they do. Therefore, you can be assured of getting your money’s worth. But, if the retainer fee is too high, the agency might not be doing justice to you.

When agencies offer a flat fee, it means that the commitment is lower. The services are charged to an amount and you can choose the services you need.

However, this is only a part of the pricing structure. Different agencies present different structures. If you are a small business owner, the best pricing structure for you would be customised to your specific needs. When the fee is tailored to your needs, you will only pay for the services that you require to take your business to the next level. This is where you can turn to NHANCE Digital. We are a reputed social media agency in the UK offering bespoke service fees. You can trust us to provide you services at a competitive rate.

So, if you are looking for a social media agency, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Talk to our social media marketers and discuss your specific needs. We will work with you to work out a strategy that works best for your business.

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Must-know social media marketing trends in 2022 & beyond Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:00:10 +0000 For social media platforms, 2021 proved to be a busy year and 2022 promises to be even busier. With COVID impacting businesses and lives, it would be best to utilise the social media platforms to stay engaged with your target audience. As a social media marketing agency in London, NHANCE Digital is here to offer […]

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For social media platforms, 2021 proved to be a busy year and 2022 promises to be even busier. With COVID impacting businesses and lives, it would be best to utilise the social media platforms to stay engaged with your target audience. As a social media marketing agency in London, NHANCE Digital is here to offer all the help you need to grow your social presence and propel your business.

Want to know how social media is shaping up in 2022? Here’s a sneak peek into the predicted strategies.

Demands for social media accountability is set to increase

The usage of social media platforms have doubled over the last couple of years and that has put these platforms under the limelight. Many people have argued about the negative influences of Instagram and Facebook, which has led to the increase in public calls regarding social media accountability.

For marketers, it means that whatever content they post on the social media platforms, it will be scrutinised. It is important to ensure not to hurt the sentiments of the audience when uploading and posting any image or video content on the platforms. There is an increasing need to be sensitive regarding what is showcased on these platforms.

Social media will put more focus on ad revenue

Even though the myriad ads shown alongside your social media feeds are beginning to show its age, the revenue created has reached new heights. According to research, Twitter reached approximately $2 billion in ad revenue in 2021 even though the growth was flat. Furthermore, Instagram made about 50% of Facebook’s $50 billion in ad revenues.

Markets should not even think about putting pause on new ads features. It is likely that digital ads will positively impact the customer journey. But, there will be increasing pressure to show ROI.

Forward-looking content marketing is fueled by TikTok’s popularity

Most businesses view TikTok as a platform for dancing and kids. But, this view is short-sighted. All social media platforms have recently added short-form video, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, Pinterest Idea Pins, YouTube Shorts, etc. Even LinkedIn is rumoured to join the bandwagon.

All this spark and encouragement toward short-form video is led by TikTok. So, if you want to use videos in your marketing plan, you must learn to use TikTok. The platform will help market your business and give you a headstart.

Social commerce will continue to grow, along with customer service

COVID-19 has transformed the way people purchase products or services. From scheduling a doctor’s appointment to picking up groceries, everything is seamlessly done online. The increase in online shopping has given way to social commerce, which is not showing any signs of slowing down. For example, Facebook marketplace. Sellers don’t need to create a website or sell their products on an eCommerce website, but they can sell through social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.

As consumers are getting accustomed to the convenience of online shopping, they are expecting fast responses to their queries and more attentive customer service executives. Social media marketers need to refine customer service to attain the maximum benefit of these new social media commerce features.

The increasing popularity of creative influencers

Thanks to the introduction of creative tools, it has led to the invention of a new kind of influencer known as the Creators. They differ from traditional influencers because they utilise the available tools to create original content. They have become quite valuable during the pandemic and their popularity is on the rise. Creators have amassed a sizeable follower count as there were limited gathering options during the pandemic.

This means that marketers now have the option of using two kinds of influencers for spreading brand awareness and leveraging engagement. Since creators make their content from scratch, they can beautifully demonstrate the uses and benefits of your products or services. They even create micro-influencer opportunities.

Summing up

Since the pandemic, the social media platforms have garnered a lot of attention and appreciation. If you want to take your business to the next level, it would be foolish not to use social media platforms. Connect with NHANCE Digital, the social media marketing agency in London, to discuss your specific requirements.

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Simple, Yet Effective Ways to Manage Your Social Media Reputation Thu, 19 Nov 2020 09:27:46 +0000 Social media has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, it is considered to be a privilege to have a strong social media presence. Customers love brands who are active on social networking websites like, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Moreover, such brands appear to be trustworthy and easily approachable. Regardless of whether you are a brand […]

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Social media has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, it is considered to be a privilege to have a strong social media presence. Customers love brands who are active on social networking websites like, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Moreover, such brands appear to be trustworthy and easily approachable.

Regardless of whether you are a brand or an influencer, you would want to have a positive social media reputation and NHANCE Digital’s social media marketing services can help you achieve those goals. Keep reading to know some of the ways that are effective in managing one’s social media reputation.

Responding directly and professionally to customers

Several customers turn to social media for their customer service needs. In the case of a consumer complaint, you should never defend yourself aggressively. Also, you should not delete the negative comments that are coming your way. Moreover, ignoring is not the solution.

So, what should you do? You need to tactically respond to your customers. You can send them a direct message to understand their grievances. This will show to your followers that you take their issues seriously. You need to display empathy to show your audience that you understand their problems and you are here to help.

Your eagerness to help is going to prevent future negative comments and also help in maintaining your credibility.

Share the story of your brand

On social media, people appreciate stories, especially such stories that tug at their emotional heartstrings. If you want your business to grow, you need to humanise your brand and the best platform to do so is social networking websites. This is where you can share your brand’s story in such a way that your audience can relate to it. This is one of the most effective ways to boost your social media reputation.

Whilst sharing your brand story, you can also include the stories of your employees who work with you. This will show your audience how much you care about your team. The story can be shared in the form of a short video, images and so on.

Encourage reviews on social media

When it comes to managing your social media reputation, it is a good idea to encourage your customers to share their experience on social media. You can create CTAs and clickable links to request customers to leave a review of your company. As you must be aware, reviews are extremely important because people tend to trust them more.

The more positive reviews on social media, the more customer engagement and this will eventually result in increased trustworthiness in your brand.

Focus on building a positive brand image

Company websites are optimised to drive traffic and sales, but social media is a different ballgame. Social networks are for building positive brand image and relationships. This means that you do not have to post fresh content daily talking about your products or services. This will only drive your followers away.

You need to post visually appealing content on your social networks so that your target audience can connect to them and feel compelled to share it with others on their social media profiles. You can also create appealing videos.

Social media is all about building connections and this will help your brand to grow.

Create interactive content and games

If you want to stay on top of your social media reputation game, you have to find innovative ways to connect and interact with your social media followers. Whilst giving them information about sales and the latest developments in your company is great, but you also have to think of ways to keep them hooked to your social media page. For that, you can frequently create puzzles, trivia and other such games. You can also hold contests and giveaways. This will help your social media reputation to grow.

We understanding that managing social media reputation is easier said than done. This is why NHANCE Digital is here to help. We work with a team of excellent social media wizards who knows the ins and outs of social networks. They can help your brand’s social presence grow and also assist in building a positive brand reputation. Call us, today!

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How to Craft the Perfect Post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? Mon, 28 Sep 2020 07:39:22 +0000 Managing a results-driven social media strategy is a challenge for businesses of all types and sizes. Discovering how, when and which features to use when it comes to creating posts takes time and effort. Also, no two posts can be similar as the social media platforms are different. For instance: Facebook is for keeping in […]

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Managing a results-driven social media strategy is a challenge for businesses of all types and sizes. Discovering how, when and which features to use when it comes to creating posts takes time and effort. Also, no two posts can be similar as the social media platforms are different. For instance:

  • Facebook is for keeping in touch
  • Twitter is for sharing information
  • Instagram is for sharing videos and photos

As one of the leading providers of social media marketing services, NHANCE Digital offers some tips and tricks on how to create the right posts for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook posts

  • Make the posts engaging with visuals – Images remain one of the most engaging posts on Facebook. You can also upload creatively made videos, along with a catchy caption.
  • Keep the copy free of links – Long URLs do not make your copy appealing. There is no point in using precious update real estate for such horrendously lengthy URL. Users can easily click on the title or generated thumbnail for the URL to navigate to the webpage, blog post or any URL that you wish to link to.
  • Increase the word count of the post – Posts with 80 words or more can garner a lot more engagement than posts with fewer words. However, we are not implying that all your posts should be 80+ words. But, you have to mix and match.
  • Employ different punctuation – For your posts to stand out on Facebook, you can make use of different punctuation. Some of your posts can carry hashtags, others can come with an exclamation mark or question mark.
  • The titles should be less than 100 characters – When posted on Facebook Business Page, titles that are more than 100 characters get automatically cut off. So, make sure to reduce the title character so that half of it does not get hidden from view.

Other tips would include experimenting with emoticons, publishing your posts on weekends or after work hours and reflecting recent happenings on your posts. You can also make your posts interesting by publishing trivia, quizzes and so on. This will make your posts more appealing to your Facebook followers.

Twitter posts

  • Always keep your tweets short – Ideally, 120 to 130 characters is good for Twitter posts. All your tweets must be succinct, giving as much information as needed.
  • For retweets, include Twitter handles – If you are sharing an article or stat, remember to include the Twitter handle of influencers. This increases the chances of your tweet being retweeted. The goal is to have your tweet shared as many times as possible.
  • Be judicious when it comes to hashtags – Do not fill your Twitter posts with just hashtags. One or two is more than enough to garner attention. Also, ensure not to force trending hashtags on posts where it is not required. Simply put, only include hashtags that are relevant to your post or industry.
  • Use visual content – Visuals are also important for Twitter as it is for Facebook. Even though normal tweets are typically not shared with a photo, you can include images in some of your posts to make them more engaging. You can also include short videos.

Additionally, you can include links in the middle of your post so that it catches the attention of your audience.

Instagram posts

  • Include important information in the first 2 lines of the caption – Even though Instagram gives you 2,200 characters, the text gets truncated after 3 lines of text. To grab the attention of your audience, you should keep your opening line catchy.
  • Micro-blogging – Micro-blogging is trending on Instagram and you can make use of this to share valuable content with your target audience. You can take your audience behind-the-scenes, offer tips and tricks and so on.
  • Hashtags – These allow Instagrammers to find new content and also accounts to follow. So, use as many as 11 or more hashtags. But, make sure they are relevant.
  • Encourage replies – Ask your followers to directly respond to your posts. This is one of the best ways to enhance engagement on your Instagram posts.

Besides, use good quality images for your posts. If you want to know more, contact NHANCE Digital. Our social media marketers will gladly help you out.

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Social Media and SEO – How Do They Benefit Your Business? Tue, 04 Aug 2020 10:38:32 +0000 The search industry is always abuzz about how SEO is influenced by social media. Social media offers a lot of benefits in the marketing context, which include brand presence and recognition, customer service, driving website traffic, content marketing and more. Even though social media and SEO may look like different activities, there is no doubt […]

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The search industry is always abuzz about how SEO is influenced by social media. Social media offers a lot of benefits in the marketing context, which include brand presence and recognition, customer service, driving website traffic, content marketing and more. Even though social media and SEO may look like different activities, there is no doubt that they help each other. To help you understand the relationship between SEO and social media, Nhance Digital’s team of professionals have outlined a few important points below.

Before we begin, let us tell you that the growth of social media has been unprecedented. Just after a decade of its introduction, Facebook is viewed as nothing short of a social media superpower and in a matter of 7 years, Instagram has grown to boast of more than 700 million users. Facebook boasts of 2 billion users and more gets added every minute. So, it is safe to say that social media has ushered in some serious changes to the field of digital marketing. It would be wise for you to leverage the power of social media, along with SEO because you can be sure that your competitors are already doing so.

SEO and social media – a complicated relationship

In the past, Google has made a lot of contradictory statements regarding social media’s role in its ranking algorithm. On the one hand, the search giant has stated that social media pages are indexed the same way as web pages, and therefore, social links count as links. But on the other, they have stated that their ranking factors are not directly influenced by social metrics.

Even though we cannot say that social metrics directly influence search engine rankings, their impact is indirect as links from social media websites are valued just as much as links from high-authority websites. This is why we always recommend our clients to leverage social media to enhance ranking signals and also stay connected with their customers.

Take a look at the SEO metric-specific boosters that you can get from social media.

  • Link earning – For any link building strategy, link earning is considered to be the Holy Grail. This will help to acquire several links from one piece of content. You can learn multiple links from your content with the help of your social media connections. With the help of this platform, you can easily reach out to hundreds of people. The more people that you reach out to, the people get to see your content who are not in your direct contact list. Moreover, there is a chance that you might go viral in social media and this can impact your search rankings.
  • Co-occurrence and co-citation – Dissemination of content using social media provide touchpoints with your brand across different platforms. This helps your brand to remain in the minds of your potential customers. In turn, this helps your brand to get mentions across the Internet and the chances of increasing your co-occurrence and co-citation metrics are high.
  • CTR and brand authority – Social media can be utilised for not only building brand awareness, but also authority. By engaging with your target audience through high-quality social media campaigns, you can develop your brand in the eyes of the public. Also, when people search about products that you sell and come across your name on the search results, they’re more likely to click on your website. This helps in improving your click-through rate. Another way to improve that is by providing your website link as part of your social media bio. This will help those who want to know more about your brand.
  • Social media in the SERPs – Social media profiles are delivered within the search engine result pages. As a result, if you have a strong social media presence, it is going to impact on your SERP presence.

There may not be direct benefits of using social media with SEO efforts, but the indirect impact cannot be discredited. If you combine your social media efforts with your SEO plan, your business can get the online visibility, reach and traffic that you desire. Moreover, this can also help you engage with potential customers that are outside of your immediate targeted market. That’s not all. You can join hands with social influencers and make use of their massive following to boost your brand, products and services. This way your brand will be known far and wide, and your long-term SEO plans will stand to benefit. After all, the more people know about you, the more are your chances to convert them into actual customers.

If you want our help with your digital marketing efforts, do not hesitate to reach out. You can avail Nhance Digital’s SEO and social media marketing services to boost your business growth and success.

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